Goodbye Octopress, Hello Hexo

A quick post to tell you that I’ve said goodbye to Octopress and that the blog is now generated by Hexo.

The principle is the same, it’s still a blog generated from Markdown. The main difference is that Hexo is written in JavaScript (NodeJS) while Octopress is in Ruby. Since I don’t know Ruby at all but write JavaScript everyday, it will be a lot easier for me to customize the engine.

Quickly configure your git mail

If you want to configure your git mail on a per-repository basis, create this git alias:

mailconfig = !sh -c 'git config $(whiptail --title "git email configuration" --menu "Choose an email address" 20 78 10 --noitem   "" 1   "" 2   3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)'

Of course, you can add as many addresses as you want (“mail” number)


# In a git repository
git mailconfig