FTP deployer plugin for Hexo

Since I now use Hexo to generate this blog, I’ve decided to adapt my “deploy your Octopress blog via FTP“ method to Hexo.

I’ve written a plugin to wrap lftp. You can install it vith NPM:

npm install hexo-deployer-ftp --save

lftp is required. Install it with apt-get install lftp or brew install lftp depending on your OS.

Then, you have to enable this plugin in your blog configuration: add hexo-deployer-ftp to plugins in _config.yml.

- hexo-deployer-ftp

Finally, add your FTP configuration: add host, user and root to deploy in _config.yml.

  type: ftp
  host: <ftp host>
  user: <ftp user>
  root: <path/to/your/blog/on/the/server>

hexo-deployer-ftp is on GitHub.