365 Days on Canvas: Days 29 to 35

365 days on canvas, is a project where I spent 20 minutes every day on the <canvas> tag. More about it here.

Here is the work of the last 7 days.

Day 29

A simple setTimeout() and our good friend SquareMan is suddenly a lot more talkative!

Days 30-31

The scene lacks some vegetation, let’s add a palm tree.

It took 2 days because it’s all drawn programmatically (like everything else in this project so far), with a bunch of quadraticCurveTo() and bezierCurveTo() and a lot of “a little bit more to the left” and “refresh”.

Day 32

The birds you add will slowly disappear in the distance.

Days 33/34

If you enjoy the edit mode, you’ll be happy to know that you can drag the clouds around!

Day 35

This sun has been shining for a month now, I think it’s time for a nice sunset. If you’re patient enough, you’ll even see the sunrise.

Next week, I’ll try to add the moon and gradually change the color of the sun and the sky.


What do you want next week?

Some ideas :

  • add the moon
  • make the sun and the sky red during the sunrise and the sunset

Any suggestions?