This article is part of a series on brainfuck, a weird programming language:
- Brainfuck part 1: what is it?
- Brainfuck part 2: an interpreter in JavaScript
- Brainfuck part 3: a brainfuck → JavaScript transpiler
Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language using only eight characters ><+-.,[]
It has no pratical use but it’s fun and challenges the mind.
The language has only eight commands: the eight characters. Any other character is ignored and can be use for commenting.
The programming model is simple: you have a 30,000 cells data array and a pointer to the current cell.
You can modify the value of this cell, print it (ASCII output) or replace it with the value of the keyboard input.
move the data pointer forward
move the data pointer backward
increments (+1) the current cell
decrements (-1) the current cell
outputs the current cell as an ASCII character
reads one character from the input and writes it in the current cell
makes the program jump to the instruction after the matching ]
if the current cell’s value is 0.
makes the program jump to the instruction after the matching [
if the current cell’s value is not 0.
Having only these commands is the ‘’fuck’’ part of brainfuck.